What is EndyMed PRO?

The ENDYMED PRO, powered by unique, FDA cleared 3DEEP RF technology, offers innovative and effective aesthetic solutions for non-surgical lifting, tightening, contouring, skin resurfacing and RF Microneedling for the face, neck and body.

The EndyMed PRO

The EndyMed PRO, powered by unique, FDA cleared 3DEEP RF technology, offers innovative and effective aesthetic solutions for non-surgical lifting, tightening, contouring, skin resurfacing and RF Microneedling for the face, neck and body.

The EndyMed PRO is an all-in-one treatment platform that is flexible and upgradeable, which will grow as your practice grows, delivering impressive ROI.

Popular PRO treatments include skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, body contouring, texture improvement, cellulite reduction, circumferential reduction, acne and acne scar reduction, stretch mark reduction, RF Microneedling and fractional resurfacing.

Intensif Handpiece

The Intensif Microneedling Handpiece has been specially designed to treat acne scars, deep wrinkles, stretch marks and other conditions requiring deep dermal heating. The Intensif handpiece applies an array of micro-diameter needles to safely and effectively deliver focused RF energy deep into the dermis, providing a revolutionary collagen remodeling solution with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Ifine Handpiece

Focused volumetric heating allows to effectively treat the gentle skin around the eyes including hard to reach areas, for immediate tightening and lifting effect. Covers all the areas within 2-3 minutes.

Mini Shaper Handpiece

For effective tightening and contouring of the face, chin and neck.
The Mini-Shaper’s concentric electrodes deliver powerful and focused RF energy exactly where it’s needed for the most effective jawline and chin lifting results

Small Handpiece

The best solution for neck tightening and lifting 3DEEP technology provides volumetric heating which results in maximum efficacy for facial and body treatments. Treatments are pleasant and comfortable with no side effects or downtime.


Before and After

  • Before-Endymedone
    Before Endymedone After
  • Before-Endymedtwo
    Before Endymedtwo After
  • Before-Endymedthree
    Before Endymedthree After

Frequently Asked Questions

Competitive Advantage – 3DEEP® Radio-frequency
How many treatments do you recommend?