What is Alma Harmony XL Pro

Harmony XL PRO is a comprehensive multi-application platform with the ability to treat 72-FDA cleared indications. The only device on the market to combine IPL (AFT), a Q-switch laser, and non-ablative and ablative technology on one platform.

Make the Most of Your Harmony

Harmony XL PRO is a multi-application platform that offers a wide range of
combinations that can be tailored to each patient’s needs, based on your professional knowledge and acquaintance with their individual needs and treatment responses.

Targeting an extensive variety of indications and with a synergetic selection
of technologies and applicators, Harmony XL PRO lets you work with combined
treatments that maximize your clinic’s productivity.

A Full Spectrum of Solutions

Harmony XL PRO provides safe and effective treatments
for a wide range of indications, including:

  • Skin Remodeling
  • Tone & Texture
  • Pigmented Lesions
  • Vascular Lesions
  • Scars
  • Acne
  • Pore Size

ClearSkin Pro 1540nm

ClearSkin is the first technology to combine a non-ablative laser with simultaneous contact cooling and vacuum technology to treat acne scars and acne vulgaris while also being a great rejuvenation treatment.

The cooled Er: Glass 1540nm laser kills P. acne bacteria and targets sebaceous glands, addressing all forms of acne vulgaris including papules, pustules and nodules. While still achieving a gentle rejuvenation effect, diminishing the appearance of active acne and acne scars by stimulating collagen renewal.

This treatment may be some improvement from the first session, but after 3-4 sessions there should be a noticeable improvement. Combined treatment with BBL, the result will be more obvious.

Recommended for: Skin rejuvenation, Acne vulgaris, Acne scars, Benign lesions, Xanthelasma

Pixel Er:YAG 2940

The Pixel Er: YAG module provides a highly effective fractional ablative laser skin resurfacing treatment using a 2940 nm wavelength. The applicator significantly improves overall skin tone, elasticity and texture, and reduces superficial pigmentation and pore size. The treatment mechanism of the pixel Er: YAG 2940 laser promotes accelerated reepithelization allowing for faster healing and tissue regeneration.

This treatment may be some improvement from the first session, but after 3 sessions there should be a noticeable improvement. 


Before and After

  • Before-harmone
    Before harmone After
  • Before-harmtwo
    Before harmtwo After
  • Before-harmthree
    Before harmthree After